Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Well, Our First Glory Miracle has arrived!!!

Introducing Miss Shelby Grace Snuggs
Courtney Snuggs one of our precious glory girls gave birth to a healthy beautiful baby girl yesterday, December 22, 2008, I had the honor of holding her and talking to her for a while yesterday!! She was 5 pounds and 14 ounces a couple of weeks early, just in time for Christmas~ God's timing is so right on time!! It was an amazing moment to experience~ just talking to her little face yesterday, it was a full circle experience, I had prayed for her before her conception,and of course I had been praying alone and with Courtney about Shelby, but to see her, it was simply God's tangible evidence that He is still in charge of Miracles!!! I could not be more thirlled for Courtney and Brad!! Praise God and thank you for Shelby!!! There are many other miraculous updates to come for each of you, and I cannot wait to be able to post them!! For those of you that are waiting, know that God has the perfect moment created just for you~ your miracle will come in God's perfect timing~ He is never late nor early, He is precise, exact and detailed, He is right on time~ HIS time~ I continue to pray for each of you several times each day!!! We will start our Wed. night study again in Feb.~ more updates to come! !

Moment by moment and Happy Christmas~
Phil 1:3

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Let's talk about Faith....

I remember when my now five year old was almost two, and I was getting her dressed for sunday school, I was explaining that we were going to God's house, and that she was going to be talking to Jesus,giving her dollar to Jesus, etc... I was explaining all of the good manner rules. Little did I know that she was so excited to go to God's house and talk to Jesus, we get to her class, she goes right in, well, I went on my way, and then went back to pick her up and she was furious, she teared up, I asked what was wrong, and in the sweetest little two year old voice she said, "but Momma, I didn't get to see Jesus today!" So I ask, what is Faith? Hebrews 11:1 tells us that Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we cannot see. We can't physically see Jesus, therefore many doubt Him, that is where our Faith comes in, there is no logic in Christianity, many things and ideas and beliefs cannot be explained, they are simply verified through Faith. I find it interesting though, that when Jesus, was in human form and walked the earth,and he could be visibly seen and physically touched, that people still doubted Him, His very on disciples wrestled with Him, and when He walked on water, He was thought to be a ghost, and He was feared. Today, we cannot visibly see God with our own two eyes like we might see another human, but when we seek Him, He will be found, I challenge each of you today, to seek Him in everything that you do today and everyday, and He will be as real to you as anything that you can see visibly, hear audibly, and touch physically. In our Christian Faith, we have to remain focused, and certain of what we do not see! Don't miss the many ways that God is making Himself known ,and the many ways that he reveals and "verifies" Himself on a moment by moment basis!
Faithfully His,
Hebrews 11:1

Thursday, May 22, 2008

What is prayer and why do you pray?!?!?

Now , I know a fabulous answer to the above question is that we, as Christians pray because Jesus did!! That is correct, however, let's make this question real and personal in your life today~ put your name in the blank "Why does____ pray?" There are so many Christians that pray at night before bed, and at mealtimes, maybe they squeeze in a morning time prayer~ not that these are bad times to pray at all; however, you will have a life changing occurance when your prayer becomes constant and continual~God tells us in His word to pray without ceasing, how many of us really do that? My favorite thing is when God wakes me up in the middle of the night and puts one of you on my heart and I wake up and sometimes, just like last night between the hours of 3 and 5~ I had a wonderful conversation with Jesus~ If you placed yourself in a car for 24 hours with your spouse or friend, and you never said a word ~ at the end of that long road trip, you would know nothing more about them than when your journey began! Without prayer, we cannot seek God, without 2 way communication, we cannot know Him more, we cannot know more about who HE is and who HE wants to be in our lives~ As I continue to grow, I am learning to pray in different ways, sometimes, I pray with petition for others, sometimes I just have prayer full of praise and thanksgiving, and adoration. Lately though, I am learning that prayer is also when I am still and quiet, and when I am listening to what God wants to say. For those of you who know me know that this is difficult, I am a motor mouth!! I've had many of you ask me how do we hear God ,how do we know that it is Him, God's word will not return void, simply ask Him, He will give you evidence that the "I am" is speaking to you!! Over the next 6 weeks on Wed. nights we will be talking about prayer, the different kinds of prayer, and how amazing it is that we serve a God who desires that direct communication with us~ when praying this week~ don't remain so focused in frusteration of trying to understand or know God's exact plan on your life that you miss the journey that you are travelling to ultimately see His face. He promises to fullfill His purpose in your life, simply ask Him in your prayer time, seek His word through the Bible, and He will speak to you this week, HE WILL SPEAK, the answer might be yes, no, or wait~ BUT THERE WILL DEFINITELY BE AN ANSWER, just make sure that you are ready to accept the answer that He chooses to give. He wants to be EVERYTHING in your life! This week my prayer for each of you is this~ that you will know Jesus more today than you did yesterday, that you will seek Him in different ways than you have before, and that He will become real to you and in your life! I pray that you absolutely crave two way communication with your Father today and always~ when times are good and when times are difficult~ HE REMAINS~ the "Alpha and Omega!"

Moment by moment~
Ephesians 1:17-18

Monday, May 5, 2008

Ignorant Impatience

Well, this blog is about how Jesus loves us enough in our ignorant impatience that He keeps holding on to us and providing us with ultimate protection! This weekend a couple of the glory girls and I took a beach trip~ we had a great time, last night we were on the way home and I was exhausted and sunburned!! We stopped at this gas station and I prepaid $80~ I go back out to the pump and it is pumping at the slowest speed I have ever experienced (to give you an idea it took like 20 minutes or more to pump the gas)I had decided that at $40 I was going to stop, and just go to another gas station~ well I looked across the street and the only other gas station was closed, so I lean over and start a conversation with the man pumping gas on the other side of me, I asked how many miles I was from B'ham, he said 150, I began calculating and I knew $60 would definitely get me there, we got to $50 something and I was throwing a fit, and one of the girls in the car got out and said "Remember the verse be still and know that I am God" Well, I calmed down, but kept complaining as I prepared to go in and get the refund, the man said,"wait I miscalcualted it's about 170 miles to B'ham, so I kept pumping, when I got to $70 the pump started pumping fast and I continued on to my full tank,we drove and drove and I saw a sign on 65N~ we were like 42 miles from B'ham and I was thanking Jesus~ all of a sudden, I see red lights everywhere ~ traffic halted~ I began to pray~ I knew whatever was taking place at the moment was bad, I didn't realize at the time just how horrific~ police cars came behind us, so I knew that we were there just right after the accident took place, two and a half hours passed as we sat still on that interstate~ we saw tow trucks remove cars that were indescribable, one of the girls, saw the officials that announce death~ I got out of my car and like many others, I paced and I prayed, paced and prayed~ it was as if God spoke so clearly~ "remember that gas pump"~ this morning I woke to find out that a 17 year old boy David House, and a 68 year old man R.L. Webb, lost their life last night on that interstate, David's mother Marie, was airlifted to UAB~ this was a 4 car collision~ I wept~ I thanked God, for His protection over those sweet girls and those babies and myself in that car last night, and yes, I thanked Him for the man on the otherside of the gas pump that miscalulated the mileage to B'ham~ my friends, God is in every detail that involves the story that He is writing for our lives. He never sleeps, and last night in my ignorant impatience, He still loved me enough to hold me in His all knowing, and all consuming, protective hands~ Please be with these grieving families and Thank you Jesus, I love you, and I am sorry for my ignorant impatience! Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hope when you feel hopeless!!

This crazy life can sometimes seem hopeless if we allow it to! We watch the news and we see negative stories, about war, death, crime,etc... and we think to ourselves, what has this world become? You hear about the young mother with cancer, the children at St. Jude's, you attend the funeral of a loved one, and again you might find yourself feeling somewhat hopeless. Here's the good news~ we serve a God that not only provides hope, but HE IS HOPE!! Webster's defines hope as desiring with anticipation, to trust. What are you hoping for today? Who are you placing your hope in today? Job 8:13 tells us that we become hopless only when we forget God.Hopelessness equals Godlessness. In Jeremiah 31:17 the Lord makes a promise to us, as Christians, there is hope in our future. I encourage you today to cling to this. Jesus has His children in His protection, and if today, you find yourself feeling a bit hopeless in looking at the world around you, Cling to God's promise, that He does have hope in your future, He is the holder of the future, and He has your every need met today and for eternal tomorrows!! God is hope, not just the provider of hope, but He is HOPE!!
Moment by moment~
Isaiah 40:31

Friday, April 4, 2008

Why, God, Why?

I think that I have spent far too much of my Christian life asking myself and God why. Why God are those babies at St. Jude's~ Why God does that young mother have cancer, why God do women lose precious babies? Why does my heart have to feel broken?
Last week in my prayer time~ God spoke~ although this might seem simple to some of you, for me I guess I had never really thought about my "whys" quite like this. I know God as my savior,my Father, my friend, my provider, my protector, the God who loves my very soul right where I am, my creator, my peace, my shelter, my refuge, and so much more. However, if our lives were never without bumps or hiccups along the way,we would miss a hugely important part of who God is~ God, our comforter. When we ask why, and we struggle with life's heartaches, we should really feel blessed that God has chosen to reveal yet another realm of who He is~ when He reveals Himself as our comforter, we can then learn another aspect of our amazing God, and we can strive to be like Him in yet another way. He comforts us,so that as we are comforted by Him, we learn then how to comfort others. So, the next time you want to ask why, stop for a moment and try to catch a glimpse of God revealing Himself in all of His magnificent ways, but also as your comforter who knows what soothes your soul, that is the really neat thing, He can be our perfect comforter, because He is our perfect creator!! I hope that you have a great weekend!! Anyone reading this that would like to post about how God reveals Himself to you is more than welcome ~ if you are reading this and you feel that you are missing God revealing Himself to you~ STOP where you are~ Be still~ cry out and then simply listen~ allow Him to work~ Ask Him to use you~ tell Him you are open and want to be used~ HE WILL SPEAK BACK!!

Moment by Moment~
2Corinthians 1:3-4
John 14:16

Monday, March 31, 2008


Well, I have been thinking~ as Christians, are we really clothed in Jesus Christ? Before you answer so quickly, let's think for a moment what that really means.

When we sin and repent~ do we really let go of that sin as Jesus does~ He throws it as far as the east is from the west~ ARE WE CLOTHED IN HIS FORGIVENESS?

When we have worldly thoughts and do things of the world, ARE WE CLOTHED IN HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS?

When really hard times occur~ when we can't have babies, when a loved one receives news of cancer, when we lose a loved one~ DO WE CLOTHE OURSELVES WITH HIS PEACE?

When we've had a really horrible day and the train is delaying your getting home from work, or you get behind that school bus when you are already late~What about when we have prayed and need an answer~ ARE WE CLOTHED IN HIS PATIENCE?

When that dirty homeless man asks for a dollar, or when a "lazy" relative asks you for money~ ARE WE CLOTHED IN HIS GENEROUSITY?

When we are trying to be obedient, but the road seems uncertain~ ARE WE CLOTHED IN FAITH?

Think for a minute~ what if we were as generous,as faithful, as forgiving, as patient, and as peaceful as Jesus, wouldn't that be amazing ~ to live a life of pure glory for the Father~ It is my deepest prayer that we as Christians join together and "get it" that we keep our focus on being clothed and completely enveloped and engulfed in the love that Christ has for us, and that we remain focused on being completely and utterly sold out to bringing glory to Jesus Christ~ that really should be our one and only desire and concern. I continue to pray for each of you, and if you have specific prayer requests, please continue to email me at kimstarkville@yahoo.com

Desiring to be clothed in Jesus Christ always~
Isaiah 61:3

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Why is it that even with our closest friends, family, and sometimes even our FATHER that we place ourselves in some sort of bubble, and act as if we don't hurt,contain fear, or need others. Regardless of where you are maybe it is infertility or cancer or job change, I don't know, but I do know that God wants to hear from you even when your words to Him are not always pretty. I do know that when we choose our friends with the same criteria that Jesus chose His friends that they can be a provision from Him to offer comfort, hope, and peace. Yet, and still, we walk around with a deeply devestated heart that is broken, and we miss the point that we need to let it all out. On the night before Jesus was cruxified He sat down with His closest friends and prayed, I am sure there was a feeling of dread over what had to take place the following day, but He did let it all out so to speak. Where two or more are gathered, He is there~ not only when we release our troubles and fears does it help us, but it can also help others. Jesus is Jehovah Jireh ( the God who Provides) and El Roi ( the God who sees) He knows what we need to hear when we need to hear it, He knows just the thing that we will find rest and comfort in whether it is a scripture, a friend ,or in my case something as small as a bluebird. Since He created you He fully understands and expects that sometimes when you are releasing your burdens that your words will not always be poetic before Him. He then picks you up right where you are.He is the true source of rest for weary souls. Make sure that no matter your journey, that you are not walking around in some bubble fog "pretending" to have everything under control. Cry out to your Father the only one that can truly bring peace and comfort to you~ remember that we can release our burdens also by sharing with our friends just as Jesus did. Every single person on Earth needs to have one person that they can go to and just let it all out, and really get real and pray together. I pray that this week, that you will realize that there is no "pretending" with Jesus~ He knows and understands your innermost thoughts and fears. LET IT ALL OUT!!! THIS PRODUCES FREEDOM like no other!!

God's glory always~
Matthew 11:28-29

Friday, March 21, 2008


Well, it has been a couple of days, sorry for those of you who have been checking!! The beach was wonderful, I had some great time with the Lord!! For those of you asking about Sunday, we are going to reschedule now that Angie is well! Please continue to keep this service in your prayers. As the title of this post makes a strong claim ,it is my prayer this Easter and today on Good Friday, that each of you will stop, take a breath and realize the depth of that title~ HE IS ALIVE~ He is alive every second of every moment of every single day, He is all about the details of your life. Easter and the fact that we as Christians serve the God that is alive today, is what the complete and total purpose, He is alive today, so that He can be with you, walk with you, carry you, speak to you and work in your life. How neat is that??He did not stay in that tomb, He rose, so that we would always have Him with us! No matter your struggle, no matter where you are in life, no matter where you find yourself, stop and Praise God for Easter~ you are never alone, not even for a second. He holds you in His hands, Remember, because He lives, we can seek His face and listen to His voice. I will post more a bit later~ Thank you Jesus for Easter and thank you that you care enough to be with us always! Mark 16:11

Moment by Moment~
1 Peter 1:3-9

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I will be posting another post later tonight~ However, I know I have mentioned it before, it is worth mentioning again!! This Sunday March 16, here in Trussville at Crosspoint~ we are stepping out of the box and we are hosting a service, actually this service will be offered at 3 different times, 8:15am, 9:30am, and 10:45. This service we will have testimony from Angie Harris and we will have a huge time of prayer before our Father for anyone~ women and couples who are or have struggled with infertility, pregnancy loss, failed adoption, loss of foster children, loss of children. THIS WILL BE A TIME THAT YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS!! Your heart will be changed~ if you are at all within driving distance, make an effort to be here~ I am so very excited to be a part of a church served by a pastor who is unafraid to step out and touch the lives through Jesus Christ of people dealing with these struggles~ This is what the bigger picture is!! IF you are 100 or 15 and any age in between~ Please don't miss this very special time~ if you have been blessed with children or have seen God's other provisions in your life ~please come be a part of this!! God's hand is so upon this and I don't want you to miss experiencing what He has in store!! Please feel free to e-mail me at kimstarkville@yahoo.com for directions and more info!
Moment by Moment ~
Philippians 1:3

Monday, March 10, 2008

So.... Just how far is the East from the West???

Pretty neat question! I wanted to post about this,because I hear people say all of the time, oh, I deal with this struggle, it's just God's way of punishing me for my past. Ok, stop, wait just a minute~ God doesn't work like that~when we ask for forgiveness God throws our sins as far as the east is from the west~ in case you missed it, that is infinite, neverending, he leaves them there, and then we are able to live in the ocean of His forgiveness~ I love that in Psalm 103:12 the Bible uses the east and west as reference~ NEVERENDING, we cannot even imagine or try to understand that analogy, but God can! Those sins that have been forgiven and forgotten, they don't stay with us once we ask for forgiveness. We don't stand at the place where Jesus found us~ we are forgiven~Jesus Christ conquered and erased all of our forgiven sin. Jesus picks us up where we are when we ask Him into our life and hearts~ then we ask for forgiveness~ we don't come before Him again at the same place where He found us. God doesn't want our relationship with Him to be about our sin! He wants sin far away from His children; thus Jesus died on that cross. Now, are Christians going to struggle with different issues, is life going to be difficult and challenging at times, ABSOLUTELY, it is in these times we are able to draw even closer to God, HOWEVER, these difficult times are NOT punishment in any way for the person you might have once been. He paid the price, so we would not constantly remain the person that we once were before we met Him. God felt that His forgiveness of your past was important to an extreme, this is the reason He sent the sacrifice of His only son, Jesus.

See the distance from the east and west is one scarred hand to another.

God's overflowing Mercy~
Psalm 103:12

Sunday, March 9, 2008

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort. He comforts us in our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any kind of affliction, through the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For as the sufferings of Christ overflow to us, so our comfort overflows through Christ. If we are afflected, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which is experienced in the endurance of the same sufferings that we suffer. And our hope for you is firm, because we know that as you share in the sufferings, so you wil share in the comfort." 2 Cor. 1: 3-7

Today I did somthing a little unusual, at least for me....I had a yard sale. I know you are wondering why in the world I would be writing about such a subject. Well, it was a sort of God moment. I like to try to seek God in even the smallest things. A friend of mine needed some help making a little room in her basement and needed a little extra cash for an upcoming trip, so I suggested a yard sale. We loaded up three vehicles worth of stuff and went to my parents home and set up shop. I have never seen so many things....beautiful things. There were so many people who stopped by. I saw all kinds of people, young and old, short and tall, skinny and fluffy, pregnant and not pregnant. As I looked at all the baby things that needed to be sold and all of the people buying things for their children I thought about several things. One...there are so many people who desire to have children who can not who pass venues like this and are saddened. There are people who have children who pass away and they are burdened with the task of selling or giving away things and this brings them great saddness. I've had so many patients in my career who have to take down a nursery that they very much wanted to use and this brings great saddness. I want you to know that if you are, or have been, in any of the above situations 2Cor. 1: 3-7 is for you. Please remember that He is the God of ALL comfort. He comforts us in our afflictions. If others come to your rescue, let them...they are acting as an extension of the Father's hand in providing comfort to you.

I find hope, peace, and understanding in knowing that God knows all my hurts, hangups, and pains. My prayer for you is that our heavenly father will comfort you where ever you are at this very moment.

In Christ's love,

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

In this crazy world~ why should we really make time for one another?!??

Well, this post poses an interesting question. For years, I have heard Christian women say things like~ in order to keep my family safe, I just put up a hedge and really just spend our time with each other, or we really don't have time or room for any more, or we're so busy that in our free time we spend quality time with each other, I want Satin to stay away; therefore we just stay heavily guarded in prayer with one another; I'm really private and just can't share or pray with others. NOW, for the bigger picture, none of these things that people use as excuses are necessarily sinful so to speak, but they are simply missing a much larger picture!! We as Christians are placed here to Glorify God and to tell others about Him so that they can spend eternity with Him. Now, if everyone in your small family unit knows Christ, wouldn't now be the time to tell another family unit about Him. That's what we're supposed to be all about. Secondly, it is important to fellowship with other Christians~ God loves it when 2 or more are gathered in His name, below I will list scripture to confirm what I am saying. We are to build one another up as Christians, when one falls there is another to lift him up, so that they will not fall alone. God provides peace that only comes from the Prince, a peace and comfort like no other to us His children, He provides this peace so that we in turn can reveal this peace and comfort to another brother or sister in Christ. If you read my previous post about prepared provisions, I want you to stop and pause and think have you been that prepared provision for someone, and not even realized it? God uses us His children to reveal Himself to others, but if you are staying in your little hedged off safe place ~ you are missing the many ways that God wants to use you~ God can use you to change lives~ God has a plan, but when we are too busy or too consumed with ourselves and our family to step out and share and spend time with other Christians and non-christians, we are missing a huge huge larger than life picture. Now ,there are two sides to this, God can also use another brother or sister in Christ to reveal Himself to you in ways that you might miss on your own. There is a reason in God's plan for placing more than just you on this planet. As Christians, it is His expectation that we join together and comfort one another, bring Glory to Him , love and support one another, and accept the place where another is. Accept what they are able to bring to the table at that moment~ see isn't this how our Father accepts us~ where we are ? Then as we grow He is able to use us in even more ways, but first the acceptance occurs flaws and all! Many many times God' provisions are through other brothers and sisters in Christ~ don't Miss this!! Every individual on the planet has a cross to bear~ yours may not be infertility or pregnancy loss, it might be career failure or business issues, failed marriage, or sickness, maybe the loss of a loved one, but God has provided another Christian who bears the same cross, and they need you just as much as you need them and together God will reveal Himself. In 1 John 4:11-12 this verse talks about us not tangiably seeing God with our physical eyes, but that we see God through His other children as we show God to others His love is perfected in us. Once again, isn't God's plan miraculous!! It always amazes me how He has a plan and purpose in every single detail, even the little lady that I met at Starbuck's a few weeks ago~ now it has beome a weekly ritual that I sit and talk about Jesus with her on Saturday nights, her stories about His love for her bless my soul, and she tells my girls how much Jesus loves them~ who would have thought that I would "have tons of time" for this wonderful completely unexpected gift of a friendship with a 74 year old sister in Christ~ we walk away having learned more andhaving been blessed by being together even if for only an hour!! God is the God of ALL mercies and all comfort~ He gifts us with these mercies and comforts so that we can in turn share God's mercies and comforts with others. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 is also another favorite of mine, and it is actually in our lesson tonight that I' m teaching!! Check out these 2 verses~ Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 says that 2 are better than one ~ a bond between 2 cannot be broken!! How is God using you~ I challenge you to sacrifice a bit of your time, and allow God to reveal Himself!! He definitely will!! I know how busy you might think you are,but God is way busier and He still desires to take the time to guide you and reveal Himself to you~ I am thankful for each one of you and I pray for you daily~ to many of you that read this God has used you in my life to reveal Himself to me and for that I am forever grateful!! God bless each of you and always remember to post in comments or e-mail me privately at kimstarkville@yahoo.com to share specific prayer requests~ feel free to continue sharing in the comments at the bottom of the posts~ your comment could touch someone else's life!
Moment by moment~

Sunday, March 2, 2008

I am good and I love the Lord, don't you owe me?!?@!?

We talked a great deal about feeling owed. As Christians, we seem to think that if we are "good" if we tithe and give over and beyond, we pray, we volunteer, and we even serve that we are owed the desires of our heart. Let's stop and think about what we as good Christians are owed? Maybe in the past your thoughts have been, I gave generously, I am owed success in my business, I served, I am owed a sweet healthy baby, I prayed, you heard, now I am owed whatever it is that I asked you for, God. Here's the kicker~ DON"T MISS THIS~ you are owed only one thing. DEATH in an eternal HELL. Oh, but wait, normally when I am owed something I want it, I want that tax rebate that I am owed, I want that loan that someone borrowed, I am owed~ I normally like being owed, but not this time~ I don't want what I am owed. Hell and death???? Now for the part that you are not owed, but that God chose to give you free of charge. GRACE. If we were to define grace the definition would be: mercy, clemency, divine love and protection bestowed freely upon people. a favor rendered by one who need not do so, a reprieve or immunity.The state of being protected or scantified by the favor of God. Now remember this is from Webster's not the Bible, yet the definition used words like divine love ~ freely bestowed~ FREE~~ nothing on this earth is free, yet the one and ONLY thing that we need is a gift , a sacrifice ,a saviour and this gift is FREE!! See we can't do enough, work enough, give enough, serve enough to "earn" God's grace of eternal life. God's plan was for everyone to have the opportunity to take this free gift from Him ~ His sacrifice of Jesus Christ crucified on a cross, so that we can have forgiveness for our sins forever and leave this earth to spend eternity(that's forever) with Him in Heaven. Now what always shocks me is that people will stand in line for free food samples at Sam's, but yet there aren't people standing in line to accept the free gift of Jesus Christ~ what is wrong with that picture~ I will close with the following verses. 2 Peter 1:3-4
Phillipians 4:11-13, Ephesians 2:8 and Romans's 6:23. God gave us so much more than we could ever dream of being owed~ He gave His all~ and Jesus Christ took the wrath of God for us~ we could never be owed, nor could we earn that, but God loved you and me enough that He gave it freely to us! FREE OF CHARGE~~

Praying God's grace upon you~

Friday, February 29, 2008

Preparedness in His Provisions.....

Ok, well I have always known that in the midst of storms and difficult situations that God gives us provisions. Let me back up, I looked up the actual definition of provision, so that I could put the definition in adequate words. Keep in mind this definition is not from a Christian source, simply fromWebsters.

Provision:the act of supplying, the act of providing~ here is my personal favorite~ a measure taken beforehand to deal with a need or contingency.

I always understood in the midst of difficult times, God meets our needs sometimes in the smallest of details. Maybe you lost your baby, but God provided the friend that said just what God wanted you to hear. Maybe you have cancer and God gave you a sweet nurse that prayed with you, maybe you have a broken marriage, but God gave you scripture to hold on to. Maybe God has given you financial provisions. I don't know what your provisions are, as they are different from the provisions that God has given me. EXCEPT FOR ONE ~ THE GREATEST PROVISION THAT GOD HAS GIVEN ALL OF US HIS JESUS CHRIST. What a provision HE is!! The really neat thing that hit me the other day is the fact that God doesn't just zap us with these provisions right when we need them, see those provisions were prepared and orchestrated to the extreme long before you were even a thought into the world. In order to prepare our individualized provisions, HE had to know and understand the the tough situation and the exact way that we would feel pain, in order to know the exact provision to give us. Sometimes, there are temporary provisions that take us through one certain trial, then there are the provisions that last a lifetime that continue to bless over and over and over again. For example, the bluebird in my previous was a reoccuring provision, but for a temporary situation. Now, I have other provisions that are in my life for an entire lifetime~ this could be wonderful parents and family, wonderful Christian husband, children, etc... one long term provision that is also reoccuring is a friendship that I have had since I was 7 years old. This precious friendship has survived the unimaginable, we have shared loss, sorrow, cancer with both of our mothers, failed relationships, on and on .... through each of these trials the provision of this particular friendship is steadfast, it is steadfast, because even though we do not spend time together daily, we spend time daily talking about each other with Jesus! I do not see this friend every day, every month, and sometimes not even once a year. However, God allows this lifelong provision to remain. He knew 23 years ago, and long before that ~ this would be what I needed. Now, through provisions, come blessings that are totally related to God's grace and mercy which we will talk about tomorrow!! I hope that you can stop and think not only about God's provisions, but how HE actually worked to prepare them for you way before you would need them. I heard something the other day:

When you go to that holy place where you talk to Jesus, there are angels at His feet awaiting His every command, they ask Him what can we do to better serve your children and to bring them even more joy?
See, God always has you on His mind, with His plan for you, His prepared provisions for you, His purpose for you, YOU!! YOU!!! YOU!! HIS PRECIOUS ADORED CHILD!!
I am going to list some scripture about God and His provisions, take a moment to read them!

Psalm 68:10
2Peter 1:11
Genesis 22:13
Ephesians 2:10

As you go through the weekend~ think often and constantly about the one true steadfast forever provision from God~ Jesus Christ and remember His sacrifice was also prepared beforehand to save you from your sins even years and years later!!

Worthy only in Christ~

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Back to the Basics......

So, it occurred to me that this blog is getting read by many people from many different places, you might notice I am writing this in larger lettering and in RED. That's because I find this post particularly important~ actually URGENT....Since I do not know every person that comes to this blog and reads about God' glory and God's speaking to us, and God's plan, His purpose... I realized that it is all in Fast forward motion~ First and foremost, we need to all know Jesus.. I want this post to simply explain how we come to know Jesus as our personal Savior. If you are already a Christian, I am sure that you know someone who does not know your Jesus, so maybe you can send them here to this post. I am going to list many scriptures~ if you do not have a Bible and you need further explanation~ please e-mail me at kimstarkville@yahoo.com~ I will send you a Bible and I will pray with you~ DON"T MISS THIS!! Jesus Christ is the son of God ~ he came and walked on earth and died on a cross at Calvary for all of your sins~ your sins from yesterday, today and the sins you will commit tomorrow. We cannot do enough good works or good things to get to Heaven. God is the only one good enough to give us His grace and mercy to allow us to enter into the kingdom of Heaven. Salvation is based on Faith. It is not enough to have head knowledge~ you must believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is the only way to go to Heaven. Accepting Jesus Christ can occur right where you are at this moment. You can just stop what you are doing and if you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and that He is your Savior. Just pray a prayer something like this~ Dear God, I know that I am a sinner, I know that I am only worthy because of you~ please forgive me for my sins, I believe in you, I believe that you sent your only son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for my sins so that upon my earthly death that I might spend eternity in Heaven with you. I desire to spend the rest me with you in my heart. I desire to honor ,serve,trust and obey you in all things.Please feel my heart with the Holy Spirit and change me from the inside out.

Does saying this prayer and becoming a Christian mean that you are going to be perfect from here on out? NO WAY~ if you were perfect there would have been no need for Jesus to die on the cross~ you are a sinner and will always be, Jesus paid the price and took your place and made you worthy. I am listing the following verses, please look them up and contact me with any questions. If you are accepting Jesus Christ as your savior I would love to hear from you and have an opportunity to pray with you. Jesus Christ will change your life. HE is the only way ~ HE will never leave you alone. He is your creator and He absolutely longs for you His precious child.

John 3:16
Romans 6:14
Romans 8:2
1 Corinthians 15:42-44
2 Timothy 1:9
Luke 7:50
1 Corinthains 1:18
2 Corinthians 2:15

In God' abundant love~

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Does God really speak to us?@!?!?

Well, the answer to that is Yes, absolutely 10000% God speaks to each of us~ the real question is do we stop and Listen to what He is saying to us. See just like our customized plan that we discussed in the previous post God speaks to each of His children in a different way. There are many many many ways that God speaks~ sometimes, His majestic mountains might speak to our hearts, or a beautiful spring rain that leads to a rainbow, maybe it is the homeless man asking for a dollar that gives you that little pull in your heart. Many times it is through His word~ He gives us scripture and many times He gives us each other. I have always been skeptical so to speak when I hear someone say " God told me....." I always want to say really, how can you be sure, did He yell that out to you~ did you hear Him audibly~ the answer~ probably not~ I think many times we put God away in a little box and pretend that the same God that raised Lazerus from the dead and walked on water and turned water into wine doesn't exist anymore which is such a lie from Satin. He exists now more than ever~ we pretend as if the day that Jesus stopped walking as a human on earth, that the miracles just stopped~ another big lie~ God doesn't need us, He wants us, He wants two way communication with us His children. He knows all, so why don't we take the time to ask Him ~ He is in every detail, so no discussion is trivial with God. Tonight, I was at a prayer group and there was a man there that I had never met before, He shared a very stressful prayer request~ I opened my Bible and had decided that when the group was leaving that I would give him Psalm 91. I opened my Bible to Psalm 91 so that I would have it ready and He immediately without knowing my thoughts or that my Bible was open to the specific scripture, shared that on Thursday his wife gave him a very special scripture Psalm 91 ~ I was amazed and I couldn't help it I just told him right then and there that I had marked my Bible to give him Psalm 91~ see many would chalk that up and consider it coincidence~ my dear sisters and brothers in Christ~ THAT IS OUR FATHER MAKING SURE THAT THIS SWEET MAN COULD CLING TO GOD'S WORD~ SO THAT HE COULD CLAIM THAT PARTICULAR VERSE~ GOD WANTS TO USE THAT IN HIS LIFE. I didn' know this man at all, but God does and God knew that He needed that verse. This is just one way that God speaks. When I pray to God I ask him to please speak very clearly to me, so that there is no misunderstanding, and He is faithful in revealing Himself in extremely clear ways, I will give one more example before closing for the night. When I became pregnant with my 4 year old, the fertility clinic called and said you're pregnant, but your progesterone level is a 2 and this is bad it should be like 22 at this stage in the pregnancy to sustain the baby~ this was a Friday afternoon, so they sent me home with little hope and explained without a doubt that I was on my way to my 3rd miscarriage. It was more than I thought I could bear and the fear overwhelmed me. I prayed for God's peace in that desperate moment, I prayed that He would show me His control and that everything was going to be ok one way or another. I was sitting in my home office which was later to become the nursery in Nashville, TN. It was a cold fall day,and the brightest bluebird that I had ever seen tapped on the office window. I didn't think too much about it, I since have learned that bluebirds are not out very often in cold weather and I had never seen a bluebird around our Nashville home, but the next morning again this bluebird kept tapping on the window. I would go in and acknowledge that I heard it and it would fly away. I told my Christian mother about my returning bluebird and she thought that perhaps my emotions were running a bit high ,probably a coincidence. Well, she came for a visit and the bluebird did not fail to miss a morning, that bluebird came rain, sleet and snow. 9 months passed, the office was now a nursery, and the bluebird had not missed a morning. I went to the hospital to have Bella and I brought her home, and I never saw the bluebird in Nashville again,I found peace in that bluebird in the midst of some fearful times, well the story gets better, we moved to Atlanta, and to my knowledge never saw a bluebird again, 4 years passed, no bluebirds, we moved to Birmingham, and I became unexpectadly blessed with another pregnancy ,but again fear set in, and I was overwhelmed ~ I again fell on my face before Jesus and prayed for peace and rest from fear. It was a February day a year ago, and David and I were standing in what would be the dining room of the house that we were having built. It was so cold, and as we looked out of what would become the dining room window a bluebird flew right towards us .As I wept over a bluebird, I found God's promise for me , His peace for me. See it might not be a bluebird, God speaks differently to each of us. I promise you though, that if you are willing to listen to Him He will tell you some amazing things and provide you with love and peace like no other can. See for me it is not coincidence in the bluebird ,even though skeptics could call it that . That little bluebird sent from God Himself helped me hear His voice of peace at the moment that I needed to hear it. I just get so excited at the anticipation of what He wants to tell me next. We do not serve some far away God that sits so far way on a throne where He cannot be reached and cannot hear us. We serve a God that adores us, that made us for His glory, that loves to talk to us and hear us and He loves miracles and He knows all things and understands every fiber of your being. He is alive, in your heart and all around you at every second of every moment of every single day!! It is my prayer for each of you that God is so tangiable in your life that the little bluebirds never become coincidences!!! I am praying for each of you daily, if you have specific prayer requests feel free to either post them in comments, or you can e-mail them to me privately at kimstarkville@yahoo.com

Until His name is Heard everywhere~

Matthew 7:7-8

Monday, February 25, 2008

But Wait.... this wasn't part of my plan!!!!

If you were to look back in a 1995 class yearbook from Starkville Academy ~ you would find in my senior class prophecy something to the effect that Kimberly comes back to the 2020 class reunion with 7 beautiful screaming kids!! Yes, that's right 7!! I have always been maternal~ I was queen of babysitting even at the young age of 12 ~I had a plan "the perfect plan" at least in my mind.I finished high school, graduated college, married and had this perfect vision of the white picket fence and tons of babies everywhere with a wonderful Christian husband that was home every night. Well, I did the whole graduate from college thing and married the wonderful Christian husband, he's a pilot so the home every night was not part of the plan~ the 7 beautiful kids was not part of the plan. I never in a million dreams ever even considered or entertained the thought that I would have trouble having babies much less lose babies. THAT WAS NOT PART OF MY PLAN. See at this point in my life although I was a Christain, I had yet to realize that God's plan for me was bigger and better than my own. I had always been a pretty good girl, never caused my parents very much trouble~ I deserved my desires ~ I deserved to have a child right when I wanted one~ what had I done wrong. It was 2002~ I had been married a few years and I had just suffered my second miscarriage in the midst of chaotic fertility drugs and treatment. David and I had come into contact with a little girl who once had a loving very successful mother that had now turned into a prostitute to get her crack fix. David and I spent months and months helping them and we finally got this sweet mother into rehab. We were driving in my car one Sunday afternoon after months and months of driving around at 3 am to find her and get her to a safe hotel room. I looked over at her on this cold Sunday night and I said you know we have talked about Jesus and I have prayed for you~ you shoot up to get high and I shoot myself with needles to get pregnant~ you threw away your daughter and I would give anything to have a daughter~ this stone cold woman began to weep before my eyes~ I was amazed~ that night we took her to rehab, she could not have visitors for 7 days~ so the following Sunday, David and I made the hour and a half drive to visit her and take her clothes,etc...while making my first step into the door~ the lady that we came to visit introduced us to a new friend that she made that had lost both of her sons to the state.This new friend began to tell me how she just couldn't stop smoking crack even though she was carrying the most beautiful 8 month pregnant belly I had ever seen in all my life~ David and I returned to the car and it was silent~ he said you know it's really not about you~ I didn't care~ I was furious and bitter and that night, my dialogue with Jesus was not pretty it went something like" oh yeah God when you threw the pregnant crack addict at me I was witnessing about you~ I gave to the VBS budget last week ,I am at church constantly and you trusted a crack addict with a baby more than me. Anyway, making a long story short the next day was a Monday and I was eaten up ~ I didn't take phone calls and I didn't leave the house~ David had left for a trip, so I had plenty of time with just me and the Lord~ "my plan" had been thrown out of the window~ I did not respond well to being a failure~ I deserved a baby~ I couldn't deal with losing yet another baby~ didn't God know that I had all I could handle ,I could not take this anymore~ all day I screamed and cried out ~see even in the midst of my anger, my Father loved me enough to hold on and not let go~ Tuesday morning came and it was clear that I needed to go to the church alter~ there was only one problem, I didn't go to the church alter on Sundays when the preacher opened it up for people to go forward, much less was I going to go to the alter on a Tuesday morning~ BUT ~ I went ~ I went in PJ pants and an old T-shirt no make-up~ I didn't want to see a soul, so I snuck in the side door and went to that alter~ I stretched my arms as far as they could reach and I cried on my face before my Father~ after a good 45 minutes or so a dear sweet children's minister at our church came and knelt beside me ~ she put her arm around me and took me into her office ~ I told her that I was completely broken~ she said and I will never forget~ " great, now we can see what the Lord really wants to do"~ I was shocked~ we got on our knees and she prayed~ she said Father you know this woman's heart and we pray boldly before your throne for a baby fully expecting your will to be done. See I had been a Christain for 16 years at this point ,I had been a foreign missionary in Honduras, I had done tons of mission trips, I read my Bible~ but even though this Tuesday morning that Winter was not part of "my Plan" it was part of God's ~ I was broken that day and I told God that if I never had children, I never wanted another 24 hours between us like the previous had been. I learned that day at the alter that I needed to stop seeking God's hands~ I needed to seek His face ~ I needed to practice true faith ~ being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we cannot see. Because of that Tuesday morning at the alter broken before Jesus, a few months later when my mother called and had breast cancer that had spread into her lymphnodes, it was going to be Ok, because I knew my Father in a different way, a year later, when a grandmother that I adored and if 2 people could share the same soul, it would be me and her~ as she drew her last breath, I held on to that cold Tuesday morning with Jesus at that alter~ See that Tuesday morning at the alter didn't exist in any part of "my plan" and as difficult as it was~ I wouldn't take anything for that life changing moment that day~ God's plan is always bigger and better than ours~ when we can't stand on our own, He stands for us, when we cry, His tears are bigger ~ when our heart breaks, He holds the pieces and His breaks for us too~ We serve a Father that adores us all of the time, and wants us to step away from our preconceived plans so that we can receive the perfect plan that only comes from Him. I know I posted Jeremiah 29:11 in a previous post, but I want to post it again~ it is such an inspiring verse. No matter where you find yourself today ~ God's plan for you is in the works~ He does not sleep, He does not rest when it comes to you and His plan for you is on His mind constantly and at the top of His "to do" list~ although there are things that we may or may not ever understand while we are here~with God, there is always specific purpose and a specific plan designed and individualized just for you~no two beings have the same plan, God loves you enough and thinks that you are important enough to have a customized plan. Sometimes His plan requires us to wait and that is difficult, but so worth it~ God is spectacular all of the time!!

As we all seek His plan,
Isaiah 40:27-31

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Is there really purpose in my pain?!?!?

On Wed. nights we have been talking about purpose and plans that are ordained by God. When you are at a difficult place~ it can be so difficult to praise and glorify God~ one thing on Wed. nights that we talk about is getting real before the Father~ we do not seek "church" answers from one another~ we share raw honesty~ we acknowledge that we serve a Father that wove and spun us ~ that He knows more about us than we know about ourselves~ the next sentence might shock and offend some of you that are on the journey of infertility~ YOUR PURPOSE IS NOT TO BE A MOTHER~ we talk a great deal about this in our Bible study~ YOUR PURPOSE IS TO GLORIFY JESUS CHRIST~ there is purpose in your pain~ this pain can eat you up and destroy you~ Satin would love that by the way, OR~ this pain can provide purpose to fall at your Father's feet and find peace that covers and envelopes your very being~ HE wants this peace for YOU~ I can sooo take myself back to the desperate longing that I had for a baby~ it is a desperate place and at points it absolutely consumed me~ what was supposed to be a natural indescribable gift from God began to destroy my Father/Daughter relationship~ I constantly sought His hands~ when instead I should have been seeking His face~ His voice that wanted to speak to me~ His ears that wanted to Hear me and His eyes that wept for me ~ when I cried He cried harder~ today at church something caught my attention~ there is not a pain that we will ever endure that Christ has not endured~ I never really thought about the human part of God~ that thirst that He felt on the cross was a similar thirst that a dying person endures~ He was broken, He was misunderstood, He was wronged, He was cheated, He had Heartache, He was tempted. He endured that to even be closer to us~ to save every wrong that we could commit~ He took God's wrath for us!!In Jeremiah 29:11 God talks about His plan for us a plan for us to prosper us , not a plan of harm, a plan for the FUTURE~ He doesn't say I had a plan for you or I'm thinking up a plan for you~ HE HOLDS THE FUTURE FOR YOU~ Since He is all knowing why don't we ask Him, why don't we talk to Him and then stop to listen to what He wants to say~ yes and no answers are easier than wait~ with yes or no there is finality~ with wait ~ the longing is still there~ I want to share one of my favorite verses that Paul wrote~ you might here me share about him frequently~ he is one of my favorite writers. This is also a prayer that I pray for each of you~ Ephesians 3:14-19~

(paraphrased)I pray that you being established in love can have the strength to comprehend how wide, how high , how deep, and long is the love of Christ~ His love is Higher than the Heavens, wider than the oceans, deeper than the seas and longer than forever~ I hope that you all have a great night~ I am praying for you moment by moment each and every single day!!

Praying God's richest blessings rain upon you~

God is so Good!

"O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary, beholding your power and glory. Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. So I will bless you as long as I live; in your name I will lift up my hands. My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food, and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips, when I remember you upon my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night; for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me." Psalm 63:1-8

My name is Belinda Isley. The above verses describe my journey. Fifteen short years ago I was in very dry land thirsting for something that I now know was my heavenly father. One day, I too, will share my story. For now, know I have been through two miscarriages. Each, of which, has changed the course of my life drastically. After my first miscarriage, I changed my major from pre-med to nursing. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God called me to be a nurse after my first miscarriage and led me to that decision through that event. After finishing nursing school I worked as a nurse in labor and delivery for three years. While working, I went back to school to become a Women's Health Care Nurse Practitioner. I worked in Birmingham, Gadsden, and Alabaster for seven years as a nurse practitioner. I've taken care of a lot of women along the way, and I've tried very hard not only take care of women's physical needs, but mental, emotional, and spiritual as well. After a very painful situation in my life and another miscarriage in August of this past year, God has again changed the course of my life. I'm back in school to obtain another Master's Degree as a Family Nurse Practitioner. When I finish, I plan to use both of my degrees simultaneously to hopefully impact more people for Christ. I tell you about my education only to say that if you have medical questions or have questions about referrals to specialists, I will be more than glad to help you.

I will be praying earnestly for all of you. Know that if you are in a barren land thirsting for something, hurting, unsure of where you are going in life, or lost, there is a God in Heaven and he sent his son, Jesus, here to earth to comfort you and provide for your every need. I thank God for my new sisters in Christ!

In Christ's abundant love,

Who are we and what is this all about?!@!#???

This post might be a bit long and for those of you in our Wed. night Bible study, you have heard this, but it might remind you of how God is holding you in His hand!! My name is Kimberly Bingham, I had struggled with infertility and dealt with miscarriage over the course of several years,God has blessed me with 2 of His indescribable gifts!Keep checking the blog and I will share the entire story. Anyway, about a month ago I was driving on Hwy. 11 here in Trussville, Alabama~ we were right in front of Publix~ those of you from here know that there is a young lady named Amelia Woo who was in a car accident in front of Publix in July. Anyway, I pray for her daily and she has a website that I view daily, but even though I have gone to her website everyday, I had never posted. Anyway, on this day ,I turned onto Deerfoot parkway and I heard almost audibly, "post on Amelia's website about the miracles that I have provided you," and I thought on no, not me, I am not your girl for that~ so I went about my day, and this consumed my thoughts, "tell them how I am alive and how I am always in control of my plan for each person even before they were conceived. "I still thought, oh no, but when I returned home, I posted my story of how God met me where I was when I was broken, and how He showed me that He was still alive, not sleeping, and in control. Little did I know that this was going to begin a whirlwind of being able to bring Glory to God! A lady from North Alabama e-mailed me that night and just said that she could not get over my story, etc.. she was praying for me, etc... well, she was telling other people about my story and sending them to the website. Later that night, I received an e-mail and this is when I was reminded about how smart our Father truly is: I received an e-mail from a sweet lady named Jenny~ I did not know her nor had I even met her, but someone who had no clue about her story sent her to the website and she e-mailed me to let me know that God wanted me to post on Amelia's website, not for Amelia or her family, but for Jenny, see she was struggling with infertility and was at a particularly low place, when God gave her the words from the post. Then the next day, I got an e-mail from a lady, again I didn't know her, but she needed a story for our church Women's newsletter~ so I again gave my story~ she shared this with her daughter in law who was struggling with cancer, and I was so humbled that my story could touch others~ God is good all of the time~ I still had an unsettled feeling though, so I e-mailed her back, and just asked what would need to be done to start a Bible study ~within minutes, our minister of education at Crosspoint e-mailed~ we sent out an e-mail to all women in the church to see if there was any interest and boy were we amazed. Well, we set a time Wed. nights at 6:30 pm. I was still in limbo about one thing, I wanted to make sure that when women came to this Bible study on Wed. nights that they felt safe and unlabeled~ if they wanted to keep their journey private, I wanted them to still be able to come and not feel ashamed or embarassed, so I prayed, and our minister of adults called me back, and said bad news, every room in the entire church is taken with Wed. night classes, we only have one room , it is the church office conference room and it is away from everything~ is that OK~ IS THAT OK~ Thanks Jesus~ He even wanted to take care of the smallest of details. Women began to come out of the woodwork~ some were dealing with losing their babies, others were dealing with miscarriage, some with infertility, and some with failed adoption and losing their foster children, but God is amazing and this group of ladies on Wed. nights is totally orchestrated by God Himself without question. I want to take this opportunity to invite you to join us at Crosspoint here in Trussville, Alabama on Wed. nights. 6:30pm~ you will be amazed at the bravery of these women. This blog has been started for you to share with anyone from anywhere so that they can share in what God is doing~ see, we are realizing that our purpose here is not to be a mother, but to first be the daughter that glorifies Jesus, even in the midst of hurt, pain, and bitterness. He meets us where we are, He met us yesterday where we were and He will meet us tomorrow where we will be!! This group of women consists of women with experience in adoption, fostering, and infertility. God even gave us an OB nurse practioner who I met over 6 months ago, and had no clue who she was or that our paths would ever cross again~ but see I didn't have to know because God already did. I am available 24 hours a day 7 days a week~ you can post a comment here or you can e-mail me privately. You will see posts and comments from several of the women in the Wed. night group as well. We are hoping to have some special events so if you are in the Alabama area, we will let you know and you can join us. When I was battling infertility and losing my babies, there were very few resources. It is my prayer that this blog will be the voice from God that you need to hear to help you on your journey. We will be posting scripture for you on the days that you are simply not at a place that you can search His word for your own verses, you can at least be armed with His word. Please share prayer requests either in comments or you can e-mail me! I want to pray boldly before God's throne for you!! YOU ARE CREATED FOR HIS GLORY AND HE HAS PURPOSE IN YOUR PAIN~ when you cry He cries harder, when you hurt, HE HURTS more~ you are woven and spun by Him~ He knows every fiber of your being; therefore He knows how to bring you true peace ~ the kind of peace that comes only from the Prince himself!! He is not sleeping~ no matter where you are in your journey, your Father is right beside you!! Do not feel alone~ His plan is bigger than any plan that you can dream for yourself, not only is it bigger~ it is always better, He loves you and knows you like no other~ HE adores you right now where you are!! You are on His mind constantly. See if there was noone else on the planet, He loved you enough and cared enough about your future and the plan that He has for you that He would have died for only you even if not another soul existed!! I am praying for you!!
Moment by Moment~ Seeking to bring Him glory in all things~
Jeremiah 29:11

I can't believe we are so high tech and have a blog!!

Hi Glory Girls~
Well this is just a test, sort of, and we can come up with a better name, but since I have called you the Glory Girls in some of the e-mails, I thought we could start there~ I am going to continue to work with Mark to make sure we are getting the full benefit of a blog!! I am hopeful that this will allow women from all over to come and share in this tough journey. I am hopeful that we can have daily scripture posted here so that when there are days that you are unable to open God's word, that you can still be armed. Please don't think that this is a place to come so you can skip out on Wed. nights if you are close enough to attend. I hope that you are enjoying Wed. nights as much as I am. After this post, once I see that it works, I will post sharing what we are all about. Please feel free to give this blog out to anyone that you know that the Lord can bless!! The blog address is glorygirlsatcrosspoint.blogspot.com I continue to pray for each of you by name before the Father many times daily!!
Moment by moment~