Monday, March 10, 2008

So.... Just how far is the East from the West???

Pretty neat question! I wanted to post about this,because I hear people say all of the time, oh, I deal with this struggle, it's just God's way of punishing me for my past. Ok, stop, wait just a minute~ God doesn't work like that~when we ask for forgiveness God throws our sins as far as the east is from the west~ in case you missed it, that is infinite, neverending, he leaves them there, and then we are able to live in the ocean of His forgiveness~ I love that in Psalm 103:12 the Bible uses the east and west as reference~ NEVERENDING, we cannot even imagine or try to understand that analogy, but God can! Those sins that have been forgiven and forgotten, they don't stay with us once we ask for forgiveness. We don't stand at the place where Jesus found us~ we are forgiven~Jesus Christ conquered and erased all of our forgiven sin. Jesus picks us up where we are when we ask Him into our life and hearts~ then we ask for forgiveness~ we don't come before Him again at the same place where He found us. God doesn't want our relationship with Him to be about our sin! He wants sin far away from His children; thus Jesus died on that cross. Now, are Christians going to struggle with different issues, is life going to be difficult and challenging at times, ABSOLUTELY, it is in these times we are able to draw even closer to God, HOWEVER, these difficult times are NOT punishment in any way for the person you might have once been. He paid the price, so we would not constantly remain the person that we once were before we met Him. God felt that His forgiveness of your past was important to an extreme, this is the reason He sent the sacrifice of His only son, Jesus.

See the distance from the east and west is one scarred hand to another.

God's overflowing Mercy~
Psalm 103:12

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kim, I knew you had the "gift of gab" but I didn't know you were using it so effectively to bring God the glory that is so due Him. I went back and read all your posts to catch up on what you've been up to-You have really inspired me to be bolder in my journey of faith. I think this ministry that God is birthing in your Glory Girls group has the makings to be HUGE!!! There is such a hunger amoung women for the REAL answer to all of life's circumstances. Eugene Peterson in the Message paraphrases Rom. 12:1 saying "Take your everyday, ordinary life-your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life- and place it before God as an offering."
I think that's what purposeful living is all about. My favorite verse these days is Proverbs 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart" I believe this is a conditional promise but well worth us doing our part of delighting in Him. He created us for abundant, victorious living as Princesses in His Kingdom and so many of us live like paupers when His whole Kingdom is available to us. I would love to join you in partnering with God to fulfil His desires to equip and encourage women to be all that He has created them to be. I know that your niche right now is to infertility issues but I could see this extending to many other issues women deal with such as dealing with financial, physical/health (weight/eating disorders), depression-Women all over the country are crying for answers and you have the one and only answer it.
I will be praying for you that you will clearly know and follow God's direction in everything you do