Sunday, March 2, 2008

I am good and I love the Lord, don't you owe me?!?@!?

We talked a great deal about feeling owed. As Christians, we seem to think that if we are "good" if we tithe and give over and beyond, we pray, we volunteer, and we even serve that we are owed the desires of our heart. Let's stop and think about what we as good Christians are owed? Maybe in the past your thoughts have been, I gave generously, I am owed success in my business, I served, I am owed a sweet healthy baby, I prayed, you heard, now I am owed whatever it is that I asked you for, God. Here's the kicker~ DON"T MISS THIS~ you are owed only one thing. DEATH in an eternal HELL. Oh, but wait, normally when I am owed something I want it, I want that tax rebate that I am owed, I want that loan that someone borrowed, I am owed~ I normally like being owed, but not this time~ I don't want what I am owed. Hell and death???? Now for the part that you are not owed, but that God chose to give you free of charge. GRACE. If we were to define grace the definition would be: mercy, clemency, divine love and protection bestowed freely upon people. a favor rendered by one who need not do so, a reprieve or immunity.The state of being protected or scantified by the favor of God. Now remember this is from Webster's not the Bible, yet the definition used words like divine love ~ freely bestowed~ FREE~~ nothing on this earth is free, yet the one and ONLY thing that we need is a gift , a sacrifice ,a saviour and this gift is FREE!! See we can't do enough, work enough, give enough, serve enough to "earn" God's grace of eternal life. God's plan was for everyone to have the opportunity to take this free gift from Him ~ His sacrifice of Jesus Christ crucified on a cross, so that we can have forgiveness for our sins forever and leave this earth to spend eternity(that's forever) with Him in Heaven. Now what always shocks me is that people will stand in line for free food samples at Sam's, but yet there aren't people standing in line to accept the free gift of Jesus Christ~ what is wrong with that picture~ I will close with the following verses. 2 Peter 1:3-4
Phillipians 4:11-13, Ephesians 2:8 and Romans's 6:23. God gave us so much more than we could ever dream of being owed~ He gave His all~ and Jesus Christ took the wrath of God for us~ we could never be owed, nor could we earn that, but God loved you and me enough that He gave it freely to us! FREE OF CHARGE~~

Praying God's grace upon you~