Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hope when you feel hopeless!!

This crazy life can sometimes seem hopeless if we allow it to! We watch the news and we see negative stories, about war, death, crime,etc... and we think to ourselves, what has this world become? You hear about the young mother with cancer, the children at St. Jude's, you attend the funeral of a loved one, and again you might find yourself feeling somewhat hopeless. Here's the good news~ we serve a God that not only provides hope, but HE IS HOPE!! Webster's defines hope as desiring with anticipation, to trust. What are you hoping for today? Who are you placing your hope in today? Job 8:13 tells us that we become hopless only when we forget God.Hopelessness equals Godlessness. In Jeremiah 31:17 the Lord makes a promise to us, as Christians, there is hope in our future. I encourage you today to cling to this. Jesus has His children in His protection, and if today, you find yourself feeling a bit hopeless in looking at the world around you, Cling to God's promise, that He does have hope in your future, He is the holder of the future, and He has your every need met today and for eternal tomorrows!! God is hope, not just the provider of hope, but He is HOPE!!
Moment by moment~
Isaiah 40:31